Tuesday, February 28, 2006


A very bad week

I have learned a big thing last Saturday: Never ever run when you have got a throat infection!
As you can see I did a very poor run as with the fever it was difficult to get my heart rate down.

So, I have lost nearly a week of training! Tomorrow I’ll be back on the right tracks.

To keep my moral high I have bought myself a magic Marathon Pack. Have a look at this!

Friday, February 17, 2006


Start of my running blog

I had been training in Newcastle with several friends for several years before I moved to Switzerland last summer. This is very good to train with people as it helps raising your motivation, keeping with the training goals and most importantly it creates a competition atmosphere.
As we have all decided to run the next Paris marathon (See my blog entry) we just thought that we would virtually keep in touch. So this the main aim of this blog, logging my training program and comparing my progress with my mate’s ones.
I’ll also try to provide training advises when useful for the remote folks.
So here is my last week summary

And this week summary

What I try to do is:
1) I start the week with an easy run (no more than 75% MHR)
2) The next day is dedicated to Speed Training. 8 time 3 minutes at max speed with 1 minute resting.
3) Then this is time for a Hard Run i.e. long warm up then 30 to 45 minutes at 75 to 85% MHR and a long cool down.
4) I usually try to do a long run of more than 90 minutes at normal marathon speed.

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